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Winter reads: The Team That Hit The Rocks

Winter reads with Ashburton Paper Plus

The Team That Hit The Rocks by Peter Jerram

The story of the Wahine disaster has been told many times but this time from one of the survivors—a member of the Lincoln College cricket team. Peter Jerram offers a riveting firsthand account of their experiences on that fateful day - drawn from written and oral testimony of his teammates, crew and rescuers.

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Spring Agri-Chemical Update

Spring Agri-Chemical Update

This update looks at what is happening on farm over the next three months regarding agri-chemicals T...

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Controlling twitch prior to pasture renewal

Controlling twitch prior to pasture renewal

Over time productive pasture species including ryegrass, cocksfoot, tall fescue and clovers will slo...

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You’ll rate it too

You’ll rate it too

Latest independent performance trials for New Zealand pastures have reinforced what farmers have alr...

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People and the environment a focus in Canterbury for 2020 and beyond

People and the environment a focus in Canterbury for 2020 and beyond

At DairyNZ, the 2020 year is off to a busy start, as we continue to work on a range of activities an...

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Options open up to lower farm footprint

Options open up to lower farm footprint

Like most farmers on the Canterbury Plains Oxford dairy farmer Andrew Mehrtens has been anxiously ey...

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Hunting for the head

Hunting for the head

Rightly or wrongly, Level 4 lockdown saw the recreation of hunting despite its isolated nature and c...

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